Environmental Policy Statement
Our Mission Statement
To provide excellent customer service and the highest quality printing while minimizing our impact on the earth’s environment and improving the well being of our employees and our community. Through technology, education and commitment we can make a difference in our world.
Our Environmental Policy Statement:
Lithotech is committed to protecting our world and the environment in which we live and work. Caring for the environment is one of our key responsibilities and part of a sound business plan.
In an effort to meet this commitment, during the manufacturing and delivery of our products and services we will:
Keep informed of environmental issues, in particular, those having direct relevance to our business. Meet or exceed all Federal, state and local legislative and regulatory requirements which relate to our business. Raise the awareness of our employees to the importance of maintaining sound environmental practices by communication, discussion and training. Continue to discuss and educate clients, students and other interested parties on our initiatives and on their relevant environmental impacts by seeking opportunities to share our environmental commitment.
We will manage our buildings and site in an environmentally sensitive manner. Minimize our impact on the air, the land and the water by utilizing and instituting suitable waste minimization and recycling programs. Consider and, whenever practical, make use of best environmental practices when planning and developing new and existing operations. Keep abreast and utilize, whenever practical, the new equipment and technologies within our industry that reduce the waste stream and the impact on the environment. Operate a thoughtful purchasing policy by selecting, whenever practical, materials and services that are less damaging to the environment. Maintain our certification with the Forest Stewardship Council, adhering to all regulations and educating our clients on the advantages of using FSC certified products. Set environmental objectives and targets based on continuous improvement, monitoring the results of our initiatives and reviewing the results on a periodic basis.
Have questions regarding our environmental policy statement? Give us a call.
602 254 2427